Drambuie Liqueur

750ml Bottle

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    William Grant & Sons Ltd.
    40% Alcohol
    Product Description

    Drambuie Scotch Whiskey Liqueur is an extraordinary blend of aged Scotch whiskey, spices, herbs, and heather honey. It is a unique spirit that offers drinkers an exceptional taste experience. Its origins can be traced to a secret recipe created for Bonnie Prince Charlie by his Royal Apothecary in the 18th Century. The name Drambuie has derived from Scots Gaelic 'An Dram Buidheach' and means "The Drink that Satisfies."

    Drambuie Liqueur has a bright, deep golden color, with the aromas of aged malt whiskey blended with a mix of floral and herbal overtones and rich honey. The flavor presents a kaleidoscopic taste sensation, a complex arrangement of herbal, spicy, sweet, and honey notes. It's voluptuous, mellifluous, and full-bodied. Enjoy!