Crown Royal XR Whiskey

750ml Bottle

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    40% Alcohol
    Product Description

    Unwind in luxury with a glass of Crown Royal XR (Extra Rare) Whiskey. Taste the rarest in our extra rare whiskey series, handcrafted with a unique blend that includes one of the final batches of whiskies from the renowned LaSalle distillery. Located on the island of Montreal, the LaSalle distillery produced whiskies with a unique richness, attributed to the fine water surrounding the island. Experience its sophisticated blend of dried fruits and honey in a harmonious balance with spicy notes of Canadian rye, finishing in a lovely, round taste of raisins, cocoa, and brown sugar. Blended with the finest selection of Crown Royal whiskies, XR Extra Rare is matured to perfection and will enhance any cocktail party or celebration. Please drink responsibly.